
Saturday, May 10, 2008

Beredar Lagi di..TransTv

I've been familiar in this tv station. May I say,60% of the poeples in Trans Tv knows me. Mulai dari satpamnya,supir,karyawan,bosses,finance people,FD,PD, wardrobe ,ampe ke ibu kantin..!Heheh.Maap maap nih kalo jadi rada sombong bunyinya. Swear..I never mean it but that's the fact. 2 tahun memproduceri sebuah acara televisi favorit membuat g cukup mengenal dan dikenal di Trans. And I was quite happy with the environment. Untill the disaster came...
I forced to say goodbye. In the name of Love..i said it.
But now..I'm back On track!! after few years missing in action,now i'm back. Dah dua hari g beredar lagi di Trans.Banyak bgt pertemuan pertemuan mengharukan dengan teman teman lama. Ada yg langsung surprised dan langsung meluk g dengan haru dan erat. Ada yg ngacak ngacak rambut gue saking gemes, ada juga yg merasa kenal tapi ragu ragu..karena katanya gue beda banget..!hehehe. Ampe satpam aja masih ada yg fasih menyebut nama gue..!!Aku terharu..!heheh
So guys..i guess we will have another colorful day in future..! See you around..

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